Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to foster professional growth and career development of members of the VCU School of Medicine student body who are interested in the field of neurosurgery by providing them with early support and leadership training in collaboration with the Department of Neurosurgery at VCU Health. This organization will provide a forum for students to organize professional, educational and research activities. Advisor: Dr. Robert Scott Graham, M.D. Email: [email protected] ADAPTIVE SPORTS Purpose: To promote medical students to volunteer at Sportable, an organization that helps make sports accessible and inclusive for individuals with physical disabilities and visual impairments. This SIG is starting a Special Olympics Chapter. Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldwell, M.D. Email: [email protected] ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA, BROWN-SÉQUARD CHAPTER AT VCU SOM Purpose: Alpha Omega Alpha is a national medical honor society whose goal is to recognize and perpetuate excellence in the medical profession.
ALUMNI CONNECT Purpose: We are Alumni Connect at VCUSOM, a student-interest group hoping to build connections with our alumni that are stronger and more accessible to medical students. Advisor: Christopher Woleben, M.D. Email: [email protected] AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY STUDENT CHAPTER AT VCU Purpose: Our purpose is to increase awareness on how aging impacts healthcare and how we can best prepare, as future physicians, for working with an aging population through learning from speakers, seminars, skill workshops, and community service opportunities. Most students will be working with geriatric patients at some point in their careers, and our organization works to prepare trainees across multiple healthcare disciplines to do this with an enhanced perspective related to caring for older adults. Advisor: Dr. Sarah Hobgood, M.D. Email: [email protected] AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION & MEDICAL SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA STUDENT SECTION Purpose: The purpose of the Chapter shall be to engage medical students in the activities of the AMA/MSV-MSS and AMA and MSV as a whole, to improve medical education, foster professional excellence and medical leadership, advocate for health policy and the future of medicine, and promote active participation within organized medicine at the local, state, and national levels. What does AMA do on campus? Lunch lectures on topics covering:
Email: [email protected] AMERICAN MEDICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION (AMSA) Purpose: AMSA at VCU serves as a local school chapter of the national organization which works to prepare, train and embolden medical students to become leaders and advocates for quality and affordable health care for all. Web site: www.amsa.org Advisor: Meera Pahuja, M.D. E-mail: [email protected] |
Purpose: To provide medical students with exposure to the field of anesthesia and the opportunity to network with anesthesiologists Advisor: Dr. Praveen Prasanna Email: [email protected] ASIAN AMERICAN HEALTH INITIATIVE Purpose: Our primary purpose is to provide underserved Asian American community members with the opportunity to receive regular screening access and empower them to take a proactive approach in managing health care through advocacy and education. Our secondary purpose is for VCU SOM students to become immersed in diverse cultures and foster their development into becoming culturally-competent physicians. Advisor: Trang Le, M.D. Email: [email protected] ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN MEDICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION Purpose: To advocate for and increase awareness of Asian-Pacific Islander (API) American health disparities and engage in initiatives/projects in addressing those needs. Encourage student engagement through education as well as participation in events to benefit the targeted population. Advisor: Ashley Tseng, M.D. Email: [email protected] ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN SURGEONS Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to help bridge the gap between students and female physicians by connecting them with shadowing/research/mentoring opportunities as well as learning about current issues. We hope to hold lectures and events that will inspire students to consider surgical fields as possibilities in the future and learn about how they can pursue that path. Advisor: Kandace McGuire, M.D. Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To provide exposure to students interested in cardiology via lunch lectures, workshops and other events. The events are designed to expose students to clinical cardiology/electrophysiology as well as academic matters in this subspecialty. We also hope to provide networking opportunities and help students with their professional development as they seek careers in cardiology. Advisor: Dr. Jordana Kron, MD Email: [email protected] CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY INTEREST GROUP Purpose: The Cardiothoracic Surgery Interest Group (CTSIG) at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine aims to increase medical student exposure, awareness, and access to the dynamic field of cardiac and thoracic surgery through mentorship opportunities, educational enrichment, research engagement, residency resources, and networking opportunities. Advisor: Dr. Josue Chery, M.D. Email: [email protected] CARITAS CLINIC Purpose: The purpose of CARITAS is to provide a space for students from the VCU schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry to partner with the CARITAS Shelter program to provide free health screenings to individuals who are participating in emergency shelter services. CARITAS is a nonprofit organization that provides year round emergency shelter for adults and families in the greater Richmond area who are experiencing homelessness. Advisor: Dr. Melissa Bradner Email: [email protected] CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION Purpose: CSA at VCU is an organization for Catholic or non-Catholic VCU students where they can find a community of faith that is centered around preparing to become healthcare professionals and fostering community while in school. We do this through learning seminars, discussion groups, fellowship events, and service opportunities to grow as students and members of our community at large. Advisor: Dr. Fidelma Rigby, M.D. Email: [email protected] CHRISTIAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL ASSOCIATION Purpose: To meet together for bible studies and other social events. Advisor: Dr. Victoria Kuester Email: [email protected] CLIMBING CLUB AT VCUSOM Purpose: The mission of this organization is to encourage students to live an active and healthy lifestyle through rock climbing. We are here to provide coaching, encouragement, and an avenue for medical students to learn the basics of rock climbing. Many students would benefit from a group that introduces them to climbing risk-free. We believe climbing provides an important benefit for both mental and physical wellbeing and is a great way to reduce stress. Advisor: Dr. Michelle Troendle Email: [email protected] CREATIVE LEARNING AND REVIEW Purpose: To help other students review for in-house exams, STEP1, and other academic challenges through fun, creative, and competitive review sessions and study guides. This will provide an alternative, energizing, and social environment to study in an effort to hopefully make learning medicine more engaging and cooperative. Advisor: Dr. Lelia Brinegar Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: CCIG exposes medical students to critical care medicine by providing opportunities to shadow in critical care and learn about the field my listening to experienced speakers from the field.
Email: [email protected] CROSSOVER CLINIC Purpose: Crossover Clinic provides medical students with the opportunity to practice their clinical skills and work with the underserved communities in Richmond, especially the Spanish-speaking communities.
Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: We provide students with opportunities to learn about different surgical fields. We organize lunch lectures with speakers in various surgical specialties, workshops to practice clinical skills, and provide resources to prepare students for the requirements of surgical residency programs. Advisor: Rahul Anand, M.D. Email: [email protected] DERMATOLOGY INTEREST GROUP Purpose: DIG’s purpose is to raise awareness, foster interest, and provide resources for students interested in specializing in dermatology or any related field. Networking and exposure to practitioners and medical residents is also a large goal of the organization. Advisor: Dr. Kimberly Salkey Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To create consistent opportunities for exercise and community through group bike rides. To promote a safe place for cyclists at all levels of experience. To promote safe biking and commuting and to help make commuting more accessible by sharing routes and running maintenance work shops. Advisor: Dr. Sara Erickson Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To teach students about emergency medicine as a specialty, the lifestyle, ways to get involved, and to bring current residents and attendings to share their experiences in the field. The goal is to helps students investigate emergency medicine as a potential specialty choice. Advisor: Nathan Lewis, M.D. Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To educate and promote the field of ENT.
Email: [email protected] EMPOWER THROUGH HEALTH (ETH) INTEREST GROUP Purpose: ETH at VCU is a VCU chapter of the greater ETH organization that aims to expose students to global and mental health efforts. It provides students the opportunity to continue their learning through conducting research in Uganda during their summer break between M1 and M2 year. Advisor: Dr. Jordan Hylton Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: GSIG at VCU hopes to get students connected with faculty from the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition via lunch lectures, shadowing/research experiences, and workshops.
Email: [email protected] GIVING A BOOST Purpose: Giving a Boost is an organization that provides mentorship to pre-medical students, especially disadvantaged applicants from all backgrounds. We provide free guidance on applications, host mock interviews to boost applicant confidence and provide overall support throughout the medical school application process. Advisor: Dr. Christopher Woleben Email: [email protected] GLOBAL RESEARCH PARTNERS Purpose: Global Research Partners is a volunteer organization consisting of mainly Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) medical students who are dedicated to global collaboration. We strive to help researchers and physicians abroad who need help editing their research papers/abstracts/posters in English to submit to journals. Advisor: Dr. Sarwat Hussain Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: The club is composed of students interested in global medicine or surgery. We bring in speakers with international experience or other countries to share the differences and their experiences. Advisor: Dr. Edgar Rodas Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: Allow medical students to interact with Heme/Onc physicians in an informal setting, increase awareness of unique aspects of the field, and promote student interest in the field.
E-mail: [email protected] |
Purpose: Our purpose is to foster a community of crafters and have a time and a space to create beautiful projects. We aim to use our skills to give back to the community by creating and donating items such as scarves, hats, and toys to hospitals, schools, and shelters. We also aim to help individuals learn skills that have therapeutic potential. Advisor: Dr. Deiorio Email: [email protected] HPSP Purpose: To provide a place for HPSP students to meet and form connections that can help them with navigating our military service components during and after medical school. Additionally, offer advice to any students interested in the scholarship. Advisor: Dr. Peter Moffett Email: [email protected] |
I, J, K
Purpose: Our organization is focused on increasing student knowledge surrounding career opportunities in internal medicine, while providing opportunities to network with professionals in the field
Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: Provide education and opportunities for medical students to understand trauma care and existing systems in place to address traumatic injury and illness worldwide. Website: http://wp.vcu.edu/itsdp/ Advisor: Dr. Edgar Rodas Email: vcusom.[email protected] INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY/DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY STUDENT INTEREST GROUP Purpose: To spread awareness and offer early exposure to the field of radiology through lunch lectures, panel discussions, and special events. Advisor: Dr. Christopher Bailey Email: [email protected] JEWISH MEDICAL STUDENT INTEREST GROUP Purpose: To facilitate community with other Jewish medical students. Our club aims to be a social and fun club where Jewish students can meet to celebrate holidays and gather together. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Aaron Goldberg Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: The Latino Medical Student Association unites and empowers medical students through service, mentorship and education to advocate for the health of the Latino community.
Advisor: Dr. Gonzalo Bearman
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To teach future physicians about lifestyle medicine how to incorporate the four tenants of rest, nutrition, social connectivity, and exercise in their own lives, and by extension: empower them to give evidence based recommendations for lifestyle modifications in a personalized manner
Advisor: Dr. Puneet Puri
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: The Latino Medical Student Association unites and empowers medical students through service, mentorship and education to advocate for the health of the Latino community.
Advisor: Dr. Gonzalo Bearman
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To teach future physicians about lifestyle medicine how to incorporate the four tenants of rest, nutrition, social connectivity, and exercise in their own lives, and by extension: empower them to give evidence based recommendations for lifestyle modifications in a personalized manner
Advisor: Dr. Puneet Puri
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Mattaponi Healing Eagle Clinic offers free healthcare and medication to the uninsured, underserved Mattaponi community.
MEDI-AI STUDENT INTEREST GROUP Purpose: The main mission of MediAI is to provide a safe and inclusive space for students to discuss, explore and apply innovations of artificial intelligence (AI) within the fields of healthcare and medical education. This group is dedicated to fostering an environment where equity and ethics are prioritized in every aspect of AI development and application. Advisor: Dr. Robert Hoyt Email: [email protected] MEDICAL EDUCATION INTEREST GROUP Purpose: This student interest group is designed to prepare medical students for a career in academic medicine through early exposure to the bases of medical education, instructional methods, teaching opportunities, and research in medical education. Advisor: Dr. Kelly Harrell Email: [email protected] MEDICAL ETHICS STUDENT INTEREST GROUP Purpose: Our SIG mission is to bring current and modern medical ethics concerns to the table for discussion. Our goal is to inform students of such current events and create a space for critical thinking as well as the formation of individual and multidimensional opinions on the topic. Discussing these topics and opinions in a controlled and welcoming setting sets students up for success when possibly confronted with difficult ethical situations in their future careers. We also seek to introduce students to the function of a hospital ethics committee through attendance at VCU Health ethics committee meetings and discussions with faculty and physicians through educational opportunities such as lunch lectures. Advisor: Dr. James Levenson, MD & Liz Sonntag, MD Email: [email protected] MEDICAL STUDENTS FOR MATERNAL HEALTH EQUITY (MSMHE) Purpose: Our organization is focused on maternal health equity. We want to take an active role as medical students in addressing maternal health disparities through education and community outreach. Advisor: Dr. Tashima Lambert-Giles Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To promote sustainability among VCU medical students and at VCU Heath Advisor: Dr. Michael Donnenberg Email: [email protected] MEDICAL STUDENTS FOR CHOICE - VCU CHAPTER Purpose: MSFC aims to increase awareness around reproductive health issues and knowledge and ultimately hopes to encourage more medical students to become abortion providers and pro-choice physicians.
Advisor: Frances Casey, M.D., M.P.H. Email: [email protected] MEDICINE IN MOTION Purpose: Medicine in Motion promotes healthy lifestyles and wellness, fundraises for medical research and charity, and builds community among healthcare providers. Advisor: Dr. Christopher Woleben Email: [email protected] MEDICINE IN THE MUSE Purpose: To highlight the connection between the humanities and medicine and how it can be used to build more well-rounded, empathetic physicians. Advisor: Dr. Megan Lemay Email: [email protected] MEDICINE WITH PRIDE Purpose: The Medicine with Pride is an activist and social organization committed to empowering sexual and gender minority medical students and allies, increasing the number of physicians trained in LGBTQ-inclusive healthcare, and addressing the unique needs of LGBTQ+ communities through research, advocacy, and service. Medicine with Pride hopes to
Email: [email protected] MED-PEDS INTEREST GROUP Purpose: Med-Peds Interest Group is a student-run organization that aims to increase interest in and promote exposure to Med-Peds residency programs. We hope to provide networking opportunities and help students explore their interest in Med-Peds through lunch lectures, workshops, shadowing, and volunteer events. Advisor: Dr. David Friedel Email: [email protected] MUSLIM HEALTH PROFESSIONALS (MHP) Purpose: To connect Muslim health professionals and students across MCV and host service events and mentoring opportunities that impact the greater Richmond community. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Imad Damaj, M.D. Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: Medical students’ exposure to pathology is limited to histology-heavy lectures. The aim of our student interest group is to promote an appreciation for the role of a pathologist as the “doctor’s doctor” and as a vital member of a patient’s multidisciplinary care team and to the increasing technological advancements in the field.
Advisor: Dr. Chelsea Kidd
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Medical students’ exposure to pathology is limited to histology-heavy lectures. The aim of our student interest group is to promote an appreciation for the role of a pathologist as the “doctor’s doctor” and as a vital member of a patient’s multidisciplinary care team and to the increasing technological advancements in the field.
Advisor: Dr. Chelsea Kidd
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: The VCU OB/GYN SIG exists to provide resources, clinical volunteering, and learning opportunities for VCU medical students to explore the field of OB/GYN. We hold monthly events to teach skills, to hear from faculty members, and to get to know other students interested in OB/GYN. Advisor: Fidelma Rigby, M.D. Email: [email protected] OPHTHALMOLOGY STUDENT INTEREST GROUP Purpose: The purpose of OSIG is to promote interest, awareness, and student opportunities in the field of ophthalmology. Advisor: Dr. Jessica Randolph Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To provide medical students with the opportunity to learn more about Orthopedics as well as sports medicine as a specialty and how to be a competitive applicant. We hold multiple workshops and talks every year focused on the different sub specialties as well as how to build a competitive CV. Advisor: Dr. Jibananda Satpathy Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To increase awareness of palliative care medicine and educate students on career opportunities available in palliative care.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Our mission is to educate students on global trauma issues and encourage student participation in trauma care through academic study, rigorous and collaborative research, and the exchange of knowledge and information with other PTS medical student chapters in North, Central, and South America. Given VCU’s position as headquarters of PTS internationally, we hope to increase medical student involvement with the organization and provide educational and networking opportunities with an international group of healthcare providers and researchers.
Advisor: Dr. Edgar Rodas, M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To connect medical students with volunteering opportunities at the Pathways free clinics located in Petersburg, VA. The clinic offers services free of cost for patients in fields of chronic care, cardiology and mental health. The students assist with triaging patients and then sitting in with physicians/assisting them with management plans.
Advisor: Allan Dow, M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: The purpose of our organization is to educate medical students about the practice, science, and art of pediatric medicine. We strive to foster an environment where students interested in pediatrics can learn more about practicing as a pediatrician, learning about specific subspecialties within the field, and major issues in the field. We also provide students with research opportunities offered by current pediatric physicians as a way to become more involved in the field. Finally, our SIG provides a gateway for students to form relationships with like-minded peers, faculty members, and community physicians.
Advisor: Clifton Lee, M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Physicians for Culinary Medicine is composed of medical students committed to increasing awareness of the integral relationship between diet and health. Our values include education/research, community service, and action. We bring our values of education into action through hosting informational events with Dr. Koehn; of service, through our partnerships and volunteering; and of action, by providing members opportunities to put to practice what we learn.
Advisor: Deborah Koehn, M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To promote student wellness, interclass socialization, and teamwork/teambuilding activities through pickleball games and tournaments.
Advisor: Dr. Clifton Lee
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: The purpose of our organization is to raise awareness of PMR to the medical students at VCU.
Advisor: Dr. Jessica Hupe
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To increase awareness of palliative care medicine and educate students on career opportunities available in palliative care.
- Lunch lectures given by palliative care physicians
- Shadowing opportunities within the palliative care unit
- Lunch documentary screenings and group discussions about palliative care topics
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Our mission is to educate students on global trauma issues and encourage student participation in trauma care through academic study, rigorous and collaborative research, and the exchange of knowledge and information with other PTS medical student chapters in North, Central, and South America. Given VCU’s position as headquarters of PTS internationally, we hope to increase medical student involvement with the organization and provide educational and networking opportunities with an international group of healthcare providers and researchers.
Advisor: Dr. Edgar Rodas, M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To connect medical students with volunteering opportunities at the Pathways free clinics located in Petersburg, VA. The clinic offers services free of cost for patients in fields of chronic care, cardiology and mental health. The students assist with triaging patients and then sitting in with physicians/assisting them with management plans.
Advisor: Allan Dow, M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: The purpose of our organization is to educate medical students about the practice, science, and art of pediatric medicine. We strive to foster an environment where students interested in pediatrics can learn more about practicing as a pediatrician, learning about specific subspecialties within the field, and major issues in the field. We also provide students with research opportunities offered by current pediatric physicians as a way to become more involved in the field. Finally, our SIG provides a gateway for students to form relationships with like-minded peers, faculty members, and community physicians.
Advisor: Clifton Lee, M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Physicians for Culinary Medicine is composed of medical students committed to increasing awareness of the integral relationship between diet and health. Our values include education/research, community service, and action. We bring our values of education into action through hosting informational events with Dr. Koehn; of service, through our partnerships and volunteering; and of action, by providing members opportunities to put to practice what we learn.
Advisor: Deborah Koehn, M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To promote student wellness, interclass socialization, and teamwork/teambuilding activities through pickleball games and tournaments.
Advisor: Dr. Clifton Lee
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: The purpose of our organization is to raise awareness of PMR to the medical students at VCU.
Advisor: Dr. Jessica Hupe
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To introduce students to the field of radiation oncology, provide them with research and clinical opportunities, and help guide them toward a career in radiation oncology. Faculty Advisor: Emma Fields, MD Email: [email protected] RAM BIKES AT MCV Purpose: The purpose of the organization is to promote and encourage sustainable transportation options, particularly among students, faculty, and staff on the MCV campus. The organization aims to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and increase the adoption of alternative forms of transportation, such as biking, walking, and carpooling. Faculty Advisor: Sera Erickson (Program coordinator of RAM Bikes) Email: [email protected] REFUGEE CONNECT Purpose: In partnership with local Richmond organizations including the Virginia Department of Health, International Rescue Committee, and YMCA, the objective of this group is to educate medical students on refugee health needs and regularly connect them with opportunities to help refugees in a clinical setting Faculty Advisor: Jacqueline Britz, MD Email: [email protected] RESEARCH STUDENT INTEREST GROUP Purpose: To promote a community where students can learn about, explore, and get involved in research at the VCU School of Medicine.
Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: Our organization’s purpose is to increase awareness of rheumatology amongst our peers. Faculty Advisor: Beth Rubinstein, M.D. Email: [email protected] RICHMOND CHILD SAFETY COLLABORATION Purpose: The Richmond Child Safety Collaboration is focused on addressing social disparities of healthcare in children in the greater Richmond area. We have focused our efforts on at-risk populations in the area and created specific clinical and research initiatives to understand and solve these issues. Through our Child Abuse and Neglect, Juvenile Justice, and Foster Care Initiatives, we hope to improve the welfare and wellbeing of the Richmond pediatric population. Faculty Advisor: Robin Foster, M.D. Email: [email protected] RVA MENTAL HEALTH ALLIANCE Purpose: To foster community outreach for mental health Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Prom-Wormley, Ph.D.,MPH Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: The Simple Sunflower regifts fresh flowers from local Richmond weddings and events to patients at the VCU Medical Center on a weekly basis. Volunteer opportunities include: - picking up flowers from local venues - arranging bouquets for patients - assisting with outreach efforts Faculty Advisor: Robin Foster, M.D. Website: www.thesimplesunflower.com Email: [email protected] SONORAMS ULTRASOUND INTEREST GROUP Purpose: The purpose of the organization is to expose students to ultrasound through lunch lectures and hands on practice. Faculty Advisor: Michael Joyce, M.D. Email: [email protected] STUDENT FAMILY MEDICINE ASSOCIATION Purpose: To increase awareness and appreciation of family medicine as a specialty and connect students to volunteer, research, mentorship, and educational opportunities within the field of family medicine. Faculty Advisor: Judy Gary, M.D. Email: [email protected] STUDENTS FIGHTING HUMAN TRAFFICKING Purpose: Students Fighting Human Trafficking is a student organization at VCU School of Medicine aiming to raise awareness and educate healthcare professionals on human trafficking, and encourage collaboration amongst healthcare professionals from all disciplines to better combat trafficking. Faculty Advisor: Faye Chelmow, M.D. Email: [email protected] STUDENT INTEREST GROUP IN NEUROLOGY (SIGN) AT MCV Purpose: To educate MCV students about the field of neurology and its subspecialties through lunch lectures, residency panels, and workshops.
Email: [email protected] STUDENT NATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AT VCU (SNMA) Purpose: Support underrepresented medical students, address the needs of the underserved community, and increase the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians.
Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: Our mission is to increase general awareness about mental health and to increase student body involvement in various psychiatric fields.
Email: [email protected] STUDENTS MAKING IT A LITTLE EASIER (SMILE) Purpose: SMILE pairs medical students with pediatric patients currently being treated at VCU. This gives the children an opportunity to forget about hospitals, and engage in a fun activity.
Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To showcase innovations in technology across all fields of medicine.
Faculty Advisor: NA
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Bringing together the students and faculty of VCU SOM to get out and relieve stress, promote exercise, and have fun by playing tennis. This SIG will hopefully be a great way for not only students of our medical school class to bond, but also for students to meet faculty / doctors who love the sport as well.
Faculty Advisor: Nicole Deiorio, MD
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To give students bedside experience with trauma patients and their families and to provide these hospital patrons with supportive services.
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To showcase innovations in technology across all fields of medicine.
Faculty Advisor: NA
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: Bringing together the students and faculty of VCU SOM to get out and relieve stress, promote exercise, and have fun by playing tennis. This SIG will hopefully be a great way for not only students of our medical school class to bond, but also for students to meet faculty / doctors who love the sport as well.
Faculty Advisor: Nicole Deiorio, MD
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: To give students bedside experience with trauma patients and their families and to provide these hospital patrons with supportive services.
- The group will only have one annual lunch lecture. Group member activities will consist of rotating bedside meetings with trauma patients and their families to provide them with Trauma Survivors Network resources.
Email: [email protected]
U, V
Purpose: Our student interest organization strives to provide medical students the ability to learn about urology, as well as network with other medical students and providers in the field of urology through lunch lectures and other events. Faculty Advisor: Rebecca Zee, M.D. Email: [email protected] VASCULAR STUDENT INTEREST GROUP Purpose: Our purpose is to educate students about vascular surgery and to promote awareness about the breadth of disease processes and novel procedures that are encountered in this evolving specialty.
Email: [email protected] VCU OPHTHALMOLOGY STUDENT INTEREST GROUP Purpose: The VCU Ophthalmology Interest Group promotes interest and awareness of the field of ophthalmology.
Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: Sexual violence is rampant and ubiquitous in our society. this SIG will help train future healthcare workers to be on the lookout for sexual violence wherever they go. Faculty Advisor: NA Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to advance healthcare, research, and education related to wilderness medicine.
Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: WIMSO is a student organization committed to promoting women in medicine and discussion of women's health topics.
Email: [email protected] |
Purpose: To promote wellness through the practice of yoga and to share our knowledge of yoga with the VCU community.
Purpose: To promote wellness through the practice of yoga and to share our knowledge of yoga with the VCU community.
- Monthly yoga classes for medical students
- Monthly "peds yoga" classes at local daycares - collaboration with peds interest group
- Other wellness events partnered with various SIGs.